
Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about the AmeriSpeak Teen Panel? See if we’ve already got an answer for you in FAQs below. If you still want to ask us something, you can always get in touch.



What will I do as a member of the AmeriSpeak Teen Panel?

You will take short surveys on the web, through our app, or by telephone with a professional NORC researcher. You can choose how you want to take your survey. Each time there’s a new survey, we will send a personalized email invitation containing a survey link, or we will give you a call. If you have downloaded the AmeriSpeak app, we can also send notifications to your phone when there’s a new survey waiting for you. Most surveys take 5-15 minutes to complete. Every time you complete a survey, you will receive a reward.

How did you get my information?

Your parent or guardian, who is an active member of the AmeriSpeak Panel, gave us permission to invite you to join the AmeriSpeak Teen Panel.

Can my friends and family join AmeriSpeak?

Anyone age 13 years or older living with you can join AmeriSpeak. Please ask your parent or guardian to contact us so that we can send them an invitation. Your friends or family members who do not live in your home are not eligible.


What are the surveys about?

Our surveys cover all kinds of topics! The variety we offer is one of the ways that we make things interesting! Sometimes our surveys are about topics in the news such as your social media usage, your views on climate change, or health topics like vaping and e-cigarettes. And who knows, your survey responses when combined with others may get published online!Sometimes our surveys are just about you, and your viewpoints on life.

Who wants the surveys done?

AmeriSpeak and NORC conduct research for acknowledged organizations such as Consumer Reports, the American Cancer Society, American Red Cross, Associated Press, Harvard University, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and many more. Our research is featured in The Associated Press, Bloomberg, Huffington Post, The New York Times, and Wall Street Journal, and is shown on news programs such as CNN, Fox News, and NBC News.


How do I get rewards?

You will receive AmeriPoints by completing surveys. After you complete your first survey, you will have received at least 10,000 points (you receive a special bonus for completing your first survey). That is the same as $10. You will have the option to redeem your points for Amazon.com gift cards, iTunes codes, gift cards for movie theatres or restaurants, and many more! YOU CHOOSE YOUR REWARD. You will get more AmeriPoints for each survey you take. Some surveys will give you more AmeriPoints than others because we might ask you to respond quickly or because the survey is longer than usual. You can receive 2,000 - 5,000 AmeriPoints (worth $2 - $5) or sometimes more, for each survey you complete.

How do I redeem my rewards?

You can redeem your AmeriPoints by signing in to your AmeriSpeak Member Portal, AmeriSpeak App, or by calling our dedicated AmeriSpeak Support team during the hours of operation. Please keep in mind that you will need to accrue at least 10,000 AmeriPoints before being able to redeem for a reward.

To redeem your AmeriPoints from this Member Portal:

  1. Go to the DASHBOARD tab or the REWARDS tab and see your point balance.
  2. Click the REDEEM POINTS button to be redirected to the AmeriSpeak Rewards Catalog.
  3. You can browse the available items in alphabetical order.
  4. Click on PRODUCT DETAILS to select the amount of points you wish to redeem and the quantity of cards you would like to receive. You will also be provided with additional details regarding the vendor terms and conditions, reward delivery time, and instructions on how to receive your reward.
  5. To search for a product, use the search box on the right hand side. For example, you can enter “MasterCard” to see both the physical and virtual gift card.
  6. After adding items to your cart please click on the Cart icon on the top right corner to complete your redemption.

I redeemed for virtual gift cards: What’s next?

Here are some important information about your virtual gift cards (from retailers such as Amazon.com, AMC, or iTunes for example) redemption:

  1. If you redeem for a retailer virtual gift card, you will receive an email from support@AmeriSpeak.org, with the subject line “Time Sensitive Info: Your AmeriSpeak Redemption”
  2. Please note that 1 email is sent per reward redemption.
  3. You must click on the link in the email to receive instructions for claiming your reward code from the vendor.
  4. You will not be prompted to create a Rewards Center account or accept the vendor Terms and Conditions. You are accepting the vendor Terms and Conditions by clicking on the link and claiming your reward code.
  5. You will have 1 year to claim your reward code once you have received your email. However, we highly encourage you to claim your code as soon as you receive the email.
  6. Once you activate and receive your reward code, you will have 1 year or more (depending on vendor) before your code expires.

Why are my rewards given in AmeriPoints?

With AmeriPoints, you can choose when you want to get your reward product and what kind of product. For example, you can redeem your AmeriPoints now or possibly wait until the next holiday. Once you redeem, you will receive it right away as an online product/code. You can redeem your AmeriPoints for gift cards for games, movie tickets, clothes, restaurants, or donate to a charity of your choice. You can redeem all of your AmeriPoints or only a fraction.

When will I receive my rewards?

You will receive instructions by email to claim your virtual gift cards (such as Amazon.com gift cards or movie tickets) within 3 business days or less.

Where is my reward product?

If you did not received any emails to claim your virtual reward code after 3 days, please use our contact form, or email us directly at  support@AmeriSpeak.org. You may also call us at (888) 326-9424. Please confirm the email address we have on file is the correct email address.

Do I have to accept Terms and Conditions in order to get my reward?

All redemptions for virtual gift cards are followed by an automatic email from support@AmeriSpeak.org to confirm your order and give instructions on how to claim your reward. For virtual gift cards, clicking on the link in the email to activate your card/reward code is considered accepting that individual vendors’ Terms and Conditions.

You can review the Terms and Conditions for each vendor by selecting PRODUCT DETAILS in the Amerispeak Rewards Catalog.

Do my AmeriPoints ever expire?

AmeriPoints awarded on or after December 1, 2019 will expire in TWO YEARS. All AmeriPoints awarded prior to December 1, 2019 will NEVER expire.

When will my AmeriPoints expire?

AmeriPoints will always expire on the last day of the month of the expiration date at 6:00PM CST (5:00PM CDT). Therefore, regardless of what day of the month your points are awarded, they will expire on the last day of that month in two years’ time. Some examples below:

  • AmeriPoints awarded on December 1, 2019 will expire at 6:00PM CST (5:00PM CDT) on December 31, 2021
  • AmeriPoints awarded on December 15, 2019 will expire at 6:00PM CST (5:00PM CDT) on December 31, 2021
  • AmeriPoints awarded on December 30, 2019 will expire at 6:00PM CST (5:00PM CDT) on December 31, 2021

We encourage you to redeem your points as soon as possible to reduce the risk of the points expiring. Once your points expire, they will be deducted from your AmeriPoints balance.

I joined AmeriSpeak before December 1, 2019. Do my AmeriPoints expire?

AmeriPoints expiration does not depend on when you join AmeriSpeak but depends on when the AmeriPoints become available for you to redeem. AmeriPoints you received and have not redeemed before December 1, 2019 will never expire. AmeriPoints you received on or after this date will expire in two years' time. However, if you joined on or after December 1, 2019, you should not have non-expiring AmeriPoints in your account balance.

If you have both AmeriPoints with and without an expiration date, when you redeem we will deduct from the AmeriPoints without an expiration date first.

How can I tell when my points expire?

You will be able to see the expiration date for all AmeriPoints awarded to you in the AmeriSpeak Member Portal by going to the My Account tab and clicking on the “View AmeriPoints expiration schedule” link in your Rewards Summary. This information is also available through the AmeriSpeak mobile app.

Additionally, if you have an email address on file with us we will be sending you a point expiration email notification. If we don’t have your email address on file, we will be sending you a point expiration letter notification. This notification lets you know that your points will be expiring soon and encourages you to redeem as soon as possible.

You can also email us at support@AmeriSpeak.org or call our Support Hotline at (888) 326-9424.

Do I have to redeem my points according to a schedule?

No, you can redeem your points at any time as long as it’s before the expiration date.

When I redeem my AmeriPoints for rewards, do I have to redeem my entire balance?

No, you can redeem as many or as little points as you’d like and as your balance allows. If you do have a non-expiring AmeriPoints balance, redemptions will be deducted from these points first. Once the non-expiring AmeriPoints balance is fully redeemed, redemptions will be deducted from the expiring AmeriPoints.

What happens if my points expire and I didn’t redeem?

Unfortunately, once the two-year window is up, your points will be automatically deducted from your balance. You will not be able to use your points past their expiration date. Please remember that some points may be expiring before other points available in your balance depending on when they became available to you as stipulated in the expiration schedule. We strongly encourage you to redeem your points sufficiently prior to the two years to reduce the risk of the points expiring.


What kind of information will you collect about me?

We will ask for your name, address, and contact information. We will also ask you for some demographic details, such as your age, ethnicity, and grade in school. Our surveys will then collect information about your opinions and values – such as your thoughts on social issues, your perceptions of health and well-being, or your experiences with certain items or products.

How do you keep my personal information and survey responses confidential?

We at NORC deeply value your trust.

We protect the identities of our AmeriSpeak Teen members by using tools and methods to make sure that there is no reasonable possibility of identifying an individual person in our reports and the reports prepared by our clients. We deliver only anonymized information (no personal identifying information) to our clients, unless you give us explicit permission to share personal information. We will NOT use your personal identifying information to sell or market goods or services directly to you. Also, we do not allow our clients to market directly to you. To protect your identity, we group your responses with the responses of many others to produce our statistical reports.

The security of your personal and survey response data are essential to our success and credibility at NORC. Over our 75 years of conducting social and policy research for U.S. Federal agencies, State governments, and foundations, we have established security measures, including encryption methods and access protocols, to help protect the security and confidentiality of your data.

Do you track what I do on my computer or mobile phone?

No, we do not. We do not track which web sites you visit or what applications you use.

FAQ: Get in touch(Teen)

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